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Cost calculator

Calculate the time and cost of delivery, find out what do you need when sending a shipment.

Incorrect value. Enter country of destination.
Incorrect value. Enter weight in grams. Maximum value:
Probably you should send Letter or Small Package ?
Описание содержимого и количества (CN22)
Описание Количество Вес (грамм) Длина (см) Ширина (см) Высота (см)
+ Добавить строку
Estimated cost
Service Amount
total 0 KGS
Incorrect value. Enter country of destination.
Incorrect value. Enter weight in grams. Maximum value:
Check all the dimensions
Invalid value entered

You will get the tracking number. You can use it to track status and location of your letter.

Invalid value entered

This shipment will be delivered to the recipients door with special courier right after letter is received in postal office of country of destination.

Invalid value entered

Polymeric packaging is an additional protection from unauthorized unsealing of mailing, because the recipient will be able to immediately detect the fact that the mail was opened.

Invalid value entered

This shipment will be delivered to the recipients door with special courier right after letter is received in postal office of country of destination

Описание содержимого и количества (CN22)
Описание Количество Вес (грамм) Длина (см) Ширина (см) Высота (см)
+ Добавить строку
Estimated cost
Service Amount
total 0 KGS
Incorrect value. Enter country of destination.
Incorrect value. Enter weight in grams. Maximum value:
Check all the dimensions
Invalid value entered

You will get the tracking number. You can use it to track status and location of your shipment.

Invalid value entered

This shipment will be delivered to the recipients door with special courier right after parcel is received in postal office of country of destination.

Invalid value entered

Polymeric packaging is an additional protection from unauthorized unsealing of mailing, because the recipient will be able to immediately detect the fact that the mail was opened.

Invalid value entered

This shipment will be delivered to the recipients door with special courier right after letter is received in postal office of country of destination.

Описание содержимого и количества (CN22)
Описание Количество Вес (грамм) Длина (см) Ширина (см) Высота (см)
+ Добавить строку
Estimated cost
Service Amount
total 0 KGS